12 Reasons to Hire this Toronto Food Truck

  1. Me.n.u Food Truck is more than a food truck. While Me.n.u is famous for their Roti Tacos and fusion Poutines, we also able to create any menu you desire. Need to rent chairs, tables and linens? We’ve got you covered. Want suggestions for a band, DJ or photographer. No problem. Prefer a dessert party buffet or steak dinner? We do it all. Let our Toronto food truck bring your special event to fruition.

  2. Life Celebrations: You can see the Me.n.u food truck cater on the street, Me.n.u is regularly invited to cater weddings, birthday parties, holiday celebrations, corporate lunches, employee appreciation events, rehearsal dinners, school reunions and charity galas. Whether you are going Mississauga or prefer the privacy of your backyard, Me.n.u Food Truck is the best food truck in Toronto that gets the job done – deliciously – and leaves everyone smiling.

  3. Office Parties / Corporate Events:The next time you plan a corporate awards dinner, intimate business lunch, a breakfast meeting or employee seminar, call Me.n.u, the food truck caterer that takes catering to a new level. Forget old-fashioned, stuffy corporate meals. Our food truck is a catering gourmet meals on wheels. We’ll arrive promptly at your venue and prepare your meal on site. With a food truck caterer like Me.n.u just outside your door, your guests receive only the best.

  4. Movie & Television Production:Our Me.n.u food truck has been featured on Breakfast Television, CP24 & even on Netflix. On top of that we have catered for movie sets and TV production crews. Me.n.u food truck caterers know all the rules, when to cook and when to serve. We do catering right to ensure that everyone is happy and well nourished.

  5. Grand Openings: It’s grand to celebrate the opening of new stores, schools, apartment buildings, hospitals and service providers. To draw a big crowd, call on a gourmet food truck caterer, and keep them on site by serving yummy catered munchies. Me.n.u Food Truck is Toronto’s food truck caterer that can prepare full meals or delicious appetizers. What better way to celebrate a new business than noshing a few asian fusion tacos?

  6. Sporting Events: Me.n.u food truck is a Gold Medal winner when it comes to catering sporting events. Whether catering a kids’ soccer game, public school track meet or Super Bowl party, Me.n.u Food Truck can provide concession catering, festival catering or lavish you with special attention at your own private party. Ask some of our catering clients how well our food truck has solved their dining needs. Catered food truck food scores big, especially when Me.n.u is at the finish line.

  7. Church Events:Give thanks for Me.n.u food truck, which provides quality food truck catering 7 days a week. Planning a church social? Call Me.n.u Food Truck to schedule a top-quality buffet catered at your church or other venue. Prefer a meal other than tacos? No worries. We can customize any catering order to your specifications. We promise it will taste heavenly.

  8. School Fundraisers: Me.n.u food truck has helped schools throughout Toronto raise money for needed equipment and supplies. By placing our food truck on the school parking lot at dinner time, Me.n.u Food Truck provides food truck catering to busy parents while supporting students and sharing the proceeds with the school. Call us to discuss school fund-raising catering.

  9. Block Parties: Make the next neighbourhood block party easy on yourself and your neighbours. Call a Toronto food truck caterer to feed everyone. Me.n.u Food Truck will arrive on your street and cook fresh, hot foods at the scene. It’s easy, effortless and simply delicious. Gourmet food truck catering … it’s the new home-cooking.

  10. Birthdays:The next time you host a birthday party, be a guest at your own celebration. Call on a gourmet food truck caterer – such as Me.n.u Food Truck – to whip up fresh, fabulous party fare at your location. Me.n.u is a leading Toronto food truck and can supply the birthday cake and ice cream, if you desire. You’ll rest easy when a food truck caterer has your back.

  11. Weddings: If you want a joyous wedding – without outrageous expenses – choose food truck catering. Delicious food truck food will make your guests happy and your event both memorable and trendy. Me.n.u Food Truck can serve 50 to 70 wedding guests at one time and at lower price than that charged by a traditional caterer. Find out how a food truck caterer can help you start your new life together

  12. Product Promotion:Food trucks do more than feed hungry people. Some food trucks actually double as roaming billboards, promoting products and taking product samples and messaging directly to the public. Food, fashion or entertainment – all is fair game for a food truck promotion. Me.n.u Food Truck is one of Toronto’s best food truck’s that has helped production companies, manufacturers, product promoters, PR and ad agencies introduce new products and services. Let us roll out your product promotion to the public.